Posted in Photos, Poetry

Scarborough Fair My Garden Lair

Photos by Jilly

O!  Joyous balm with thy sweet girlish fluttering ways
Tumm-aliscious, halitosis forgiveness, rabbitity garden-raiding antidote
French lace tingle on my tongue, fill my rose-alie nose with airy tang.

My mushroomy corduroy leafed friend all sausage-y,
Turkey thanksgivingful, inviting all earthyfairies with thy emanating savor-flavor.


Sticky-pine woodsy, he accosts and clings, persistently nocturnal
Permeates with essence of maleness.

Lemon wafts, rolls past, wraps around
My ankles with tendrils and tiny leaves you wanting more
Pulls you in, pours
Your tea, “Have a scone! Talk with me!”

© Jilly’s 2016

You are cordially invited to a smell-a-vistic experience at dVerse Poet’s Pub!


A wild soul writing poetry.

41 thoughts on “Scarborough Fair My Garden Lair

  1. I grow the flat leaf Italian parsley. This poem is delightful. I love the made up words that sing inside this poem and make it unique. I just love reading this – especially about the sage. What a perfectly wonderful description of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I grow the Italian type, too, but the French lace demanded to be written – who am I to argue? I was torn between the herbs and my first batch of SC peaches today. Sigh~


      1. Ahhhh, those peaches from SC. In a couple of weeks we wills start getting local peaches from Nelson County, VA. gorgeous and like perfume. Peaches….oh my. I once wrote a poem about a young lover that I called a white peach because he was so delicious.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. in case you are interested, it was in response to an old dVerse Prompt: because I used kanji, the link comes up all blippy but you can search it on my site: White Peach Black Dragon


  2. This is a lovely bouquet of herbs, most irresistible when mixed with food. Love the joyous balm of parsley, and the savor-flavor of sage.

    Thanks for joining us and wishing you a happy week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love it! And the beauty is, I can step outside and smell every one of those scents and more in my hubby’s vegetable/herb garden. Now you know what song is going to be going through my head this evening, don’t you? So enjoyed how you played with words in this–makes me want to dance.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love what you did here…the reference to Scarborough fair, the layout of the poem, the word-play, but most of all the descriptions of each herb are so strong that I could smell and taste them. I especially enjoyed.. “My mushroomy corduroy leafed friend all sausage-y,
    Turkey thanksgivingful, inviting all earthyfairies with thy emanating savor-flavor.” Fantastic!


  5. Your nature-y poems are always so verdurous and playful; they feel like overrun summer gardens, teeming with life, color, scent, and memory. I love how you evoke the different personalities of these herbs; I could smell and taste each of them. ~inhales deeply

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it. There is a child within that runs barefoot and rolls in the grass.
      No, wait… a child without.
      How goes the novel? Are you running flat out now that it is July?


  6. So very late to mosey up to the dVerse bar for this prompt — days with grandchildren took precedence. But delighted to find your herb garden this morning. How about those slick green basil leafs on spindly stems that ultimately become green flecks in my spaghetti roma tomato sauce?? 🙂
    Love your descriptions here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Lillian! Those slick green basil leaves are in my porch garden, too. I harvest and snip readily. Hmmm… This reminds me that I am overdue for a Food posting. Spaghetti sounds grand 🙂

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