Posted in Casting Bricks Collaborative Poetry

Casting Bricks – Jilly’s October Challenge

Casting Bricks to Attract Jade

Jilly’s October Challenge!

Welcome, again, my Poetic Friends, to another round of Collaborative Poetry; I’m thrilled to have you here!  October has arrived and I am eagerly looking forward to the new challenge of Casting Bricks to Attract Jade. The September Challenge remains open if you would care to go back and read any of the poems posted there.  We had some unique artistic works come out of the month, many fueled by the Renga Challenges posed by Qbit.  Let’s get October going; here’s how it works:

  1. Write a half poem and post it to your blog with a link or tag back to this page (Jilly’s October Challenge). If your Challenge poem is a form (sonnet, quadrille, etc.) please state as such and give a quick review of the form or a link to a site that does that for you.
  2.  Stop by here and add your Challenge link to our Mr. Linky.
  3.  Find other Challenges that you would like to complete. Write the 2nd half of their poem and post the entire poem to your blog. Return here to our Mr. Linky again and post the link to that completed poem.  You may also want to put a comment on the other person’s original Challenge post to let them know you have accepted their challenge.
  4.  Spread the word. Extend the invitation to your other poet friends to join us. We are creative, friendly and more than a little zany!  Everyone is welcome here!

NOTE:  In order to keep the links for Challenges (your half poem) different from the links for the Completed Poems, I suggest the following:  When posting your Challenge half poem, post the name you would normally use along with the word ‘Challenge’ behind it.  Ex: Jilly Challenge.

When posting the link for a Completed Challenge, post your user name & the name of the person whose Challenge you completed.  Ex: Jilly Colin (if I am completing a challenge put out there by our good friend Colin Lee.)

There is no expiration on our Mr. Linky, so feel free to post new challenges and completed challenges throughout the month.  Complete as many or as few challenges as you feel comfortable with.   Most importantly, have fun & flex your poetic muscles!

RENGA Challenges: Last month, Qbit at The Quantumverse suggested Renga, which is a Japanese collaborative poem that involves many participants.  It turned out to be a great idea!  If you choose to kick off a Renga, include the words ‘Renga Challenge’ after your name (ex: Qbit – Renga Challenge).  It will be up to you to assign volunteers to work on a Renga Challenge.  I am linking you back to Qbit’s explanation from September on this for guidance.

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know through the Comments or Contact me directly.  Cheers!  ~ Jilly


A wild soul writing poetry.

44 thoughts on “Casting Bricks – Jilly’s October Challenge

      1. 😊- thanks you! My teenagers say the same! I think I like the sonnet. I’ll practice some more. Very dark topic- my mum will be worried when she reads it😂 . Must call her to say it’s just a poem!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. HA! I get that! Just tell her that there is that word ‘you’ in it, so it could be interpreted as an ‘addicted to your love’ sort of thing. Do hope you’ll keep going with sonnets. Not everyone kept to the Bard’s form. Yeats & Neruda spring to mind.


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