Posted in Poetry


Digging back a few weeks into the Poetry Prompts on Poet’s & Writers, I’m going to spend this evening on this prompt:

“Write a poem that takes its cue from an element of Poe’s verse that you are especially drawn toward. Consider its themes of loss and devotion; the extensive use of alliteration and rhyme; the “nevermore” refrain; classical, mythological, and biblical references; the question-and-answer sequencing; the symbolism of the raven; or the forebodingly dark atmosphere.”

Find The Raven here.

Care to join me, my poetic friends?  I’ll be back to post my poem here after I have successfully written it.  Here is a Linky if you feel like joining in!

Update:  Here is my Sonnet, which is a blending of those things that caught my poetic eye from The Raven and a nod to Sonnet 130 with its reverse simile.

My lover’s voice is nothing like a raven
He does not quote a dark and dreary word
Tousled hair and face oft times unshaven
No other love could ever be preferred
I have seen Adonises beholden
And men with wealth beyond the normal way
My lover’s lips breathe words of honey golden
A treasured heart more green than gold can stay
He pours the wine and calms my troubled mind
Wends wisdom’s sound as from the mouth of Pallas
Forevermore our hearts will be entwined
Shining as a midnight borealis
Like poetry and verses read out gently
He is, he is my dosed nepenthe!

© Jilly’s  All Rights Reserved

Cheers!  ~Jilly


A wild soul writing poetry.

24 thoughts on “Raven

      1. Your take on the sonnet is great! Working off Will is intimidating for me. Your poem has a strong theme of shared love while still managing to nod at Poe and his opus. (…oh, wait! wrong bird.)

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, move over and make room for a few more poets, and pass the champagne this way, please. Oh look, over there with Jenna, it’s Dylan Thomas! And of course, none of us knew Bogart was a poet…


      1. Interesting. I guess he’s a sober thinker in romantic clothing. Ha! That Frosty wisdom reminds me of a Chinese idiom: “True gold fears no furnace.” Maybe some gold does stay?


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