Posted in Poetry

Daily Visiting NOAA

Disturbing, how it begins, something to be watched, fueled by heat and tropical moisture, organizing itself coming out of Cuba and paving a path before it into a number (three) and then a name (Colin). Status achieved, cones are issued and planes are issued and we move our deck chairs while eyeing that broken branch on the foxtail palm dangling too close to the entry window.  The first storms, strident and thick with rain, come through like tourists, a disorganized cluster, lost and confused, a full day before Colin will spy the coast from his crow’s nest.  I remember that winter morning, finding myself iced in my car after driving to campus, in the days before cell phones, stripping out of my cumbersome coat and crawling through the window because my horn would not waken mom to rescue me, the day’s classes a loss.  The shoveled mountains higher than the roof of my car on either side of the driveway, dad rising at three to risk heart attack.  That blizzard when we ended up in the ditch along I-94 while trucks barreled within inches, terrified in the back seat. That year in Chicago when the frost gathered on the inside walls because the minus 25 was too much for the apartment heater.

I’ll take my chances

Disturbing names and branches

No northerner,  I

© Jilly’s 2016

Ah!  Hurricane Season is upon us, & that means daily visits to
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA) for updates.
With Tropical Storm Colin in the Gulf of Mexico, I am gathering
updates every few hours.

We are writing Haibuns about things we do daily over at dVerse 
starting at 3:00 EST. Come join us! 


A wild soul writing poetry.

26 thoughts on “Daily Visiting NOAA

  1. How weather and nature command our attention. Though there is no warning system, here in NV, the third most seismically active state, we visit the USGA to find out about earthquakes in our area and in our neighbor California. And wintering in the SoCal desert, even more so, since we are overdue for “THE BIG ONE.” We can see the San Andreas fault not far from us.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Here’s the shocker, it rarely gets that hot in Orlando. Low 90s most of the summer. My husband loves Portland – I need to visit there some day. I thinks it’s the zoo that he raves about.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Weather or not you believe it, I totally resonate with this poem! As a former meteorologist — which I hope I didn’t just misspell — I have spent most of my adult life in search of the perfect climate. Truthfully, wherever I settle, the perfect climate has more to do with the thermostat than the latitude. But I’m with you; whatever I don’t have to shovel is all right with me! Great weather poem, Jilly!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed the familiarity of this. Having survived hurricanes with names like Cleo and Donna in South Florida and the blizzard of ’78 in Massachusetts, I’ve learned that it’s never wise to underestimate Mother Nature.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Having grown up in Orlando, I’ve been through my share of hurricanes and near misses! Now I’m further down south on the east coast of Florida and am watching with interest as Colin moves through the Panhandle. We were overcast all day with some squally showers later in the afternoon. Nothing new for us… Where are you located?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gayle, We live in Orlando. Colin made himself known here, but in a very disorganized way. The trees are still dancing this morning. I figure we will have many storms this year – Orange county schools dropped all of the hurricane days from our calendar for this coming year. Irony will have its say!


  5. Jilly, you’ve painted a very vivid picture of something that is unfamiliar – it reminds me of ‘Hurricane Hits England’ by Grace Nichols. But what most caught my heart was being trapped in the snow, which reminded me of when I lived in the wilds of Ireland and being snowed in, with snow up to the roof and icicles indoorsm with no phone and a young baby. We had to be dug out by our nearest neighbour, a farmer who lived about 5 miles away.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kim, One of our biggest hurricanes came through South Carolina 2 weeks after my daughter was born. Amazingly, she was the only one who slept through it! This stuff is spooky when you are a young mommy, isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. SMiLes and FrOwns..
    reminds me of the now
    in Church where the older
    deacon said that Homosexual
    Behavior and Hurricanes were
    evil sAMe..
    until i E-MaiL blessed
    the Monsignor Priest..
    my old tennis partner in high
    school.. a way higher to let him
    know that both are the balance oF
    Nature in distributing heat to other species
    and less reproduction to save the earth whole
    from the existing virus of culture thaT iS hUman
    made wHole.. with the help of reaSon of course
    in dArk and liGht as gifted bY Nature God oNe
    and sAMe.. anyWay.. he a dude who has a certain
    fLair of soft bare footedness too.. i might intimate..
    put an end to that and once again..
    tHere is hope with hurricanes
    and homosexuality in
    my Catholic Church..
    at lEast..
    for i aM
    A Hurricane calm
    in center too who refuses
    to be cAlm iN Winds thaT Heal
    iN words oF appropriate dissension
    and TrUth and liGht as weLL in feaRless LovE..
    oF cOurse.. i AM commenting here on the
    13th of June after an eve of destruction
    of demon hands ‘blessed’ with Guns
    real as such on the 11th niGht of June
    oN the 12th morn then..
    so that flavors mY
    pasSioN heRe.. mY
    friEnd as this IS A ‘little’
    more than i usuALLy eXpose
    thE liGht oF my lAMp to folks oN
    the continuing dVerse TRail.. so iF
    you FeeL the paSsiON oF Y i.. is a little
    too much heRE fEEl free to deLete.. as
    this inspiRaTioN WiLL liVe on perHaps a
    thouSand years online in the lonGest LonG
    fORm poeM ever as pArt of thE 676th Verse
    now approaching 4 milLioN words that perHaps
    eXplains a pArt of aLL tHis wRite noW.. iN words
    away from sWord way.. AS Love for fearLess FReED..

    SMiLeS anD
    hAVe A waY
    nicE daY iN liGht.. oF TrUth..:)


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